Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Curabitur dictum imperdiet viverra. Aliquam erat volutpat. Morbi vestibulum sit amet eros sed lobortis. Praesent volutpat lacus eget molestie dapibus. Donec rhoncus vel lectus non lobortis. Sed rhoncus vel nisl in mattis. Morbi nec commodo lectus. Sed bibendum erat finibus, interdum quam vitae, elementum massa. Donec maximus aliquet erat ac condimentum. Proin interdum ligula nisi, ut bibendum est pretium sed. Aliquam placerat vel turpis at ullamcorper.
We exist to create a passionate commitment to Christ, His Cause, and His Community. We present Jesus without apology, creating epic moments that help people hear the Gospel. We invite people forward, inspiring their next step into God’s extraordinary purposes. We maximize all we have to see the lost come home. Our Senior Pastor is Chuck Booher. Pastor Chuck is passionate about his relationship with God, his wife Pam, and his 5 grandkids! On any given weekend, you’re sure to be energized by his passionate commitment to teach the Bible in a way that inspires newcomers to desire more of Jesus, and challenges everyone to take a next step.