Crossroad’s mission is to bring people to a passionate commitment to Jesus, His cause, and His community. We believe one of the best ways to know and follow Jesus is in a Group where community and obedience to God’s word may be honed and sharpened. This also allows us to deeply care for one another as we navigate the world around us.
As a Group host, you do much more than just provide a home or apartment to meet in. You are a vital part of the leadership team. The combination of a committed leader and a committed host (each focusing on their role within the group) is hard to beat.
Here’s a list of some of your primary responsibilities. Hosts are expected to do the following:
Provide a Clean, Comfortable Home Environment
Provide a Warm and Friendly Atmosphere
This involves things like introducing people to one another during your first meeting/potluck time; making sure to talk with and involve the shy or quiet members before and after meetings; and keeping in touch with group members between meetings.
Provide Feedback for your leader
One of the host’s most important jobs is to discuss and evaluate the group with the leader on a regular basis. This often can be done informally before or after the group time. Items to discuss include the following: What’s going well in the group? What’s not? Who’s hurting? How can you, as a host, help? Is the meeting moving along at a good pace? Is it dragging at some points?
Provide Support for the Leader
Another way to help your leader is to jump-start the discussion when it lags. Sometimes a question will elicit no response (either because everyone is nervous or because the question is unclear). Whenever this happens you can assist your leader by breaking the ice and answering the question yourself. Or, if the question is unclear, you can ask the leader to rephrase it. This provides an opportunity to regroup and come at the issue from a different angle. Knowing that a host will help him or her out of a jam gives a leader a lot of security.
Organize Meals for Members in the Hospital or Meet Other Special Needs
One of a host’s most important jobs is to make sure that anyone in the group who faces a significant crisis gets the practical help and support they need. Host’s should organize the group to meet practical needs, provides meals, or render any special help that’s needed.
Organize Refreshments, Socials and Service Projects
Refreshments: Hosts are responsible to organize the weekly refreshments and or desserts. The host is not expected to provide them.
Quarterly socials: With the help of the group, the host makes sure there is at least one social event during each quarter.
Biannual Service Projects: Each Group is asks to participate in at least two community service projects per year. See service project list for opportunities or pick one of your own.