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Quarantine Group (Q Group)

working with child
This pandemic has placed new and heavy burdens on people:
  • Working from home (and working more frequently)
  • Homeschooling kids
  • Job loss
  • Financial struggles/uncertainty
  • Worldwide social issues

At Crossroads, we have a mission to create a passionate commitment to Christ, His Cause, and His Community. We’ll continue to point you to Christ during this time through our message series week to week, and equip you for the Cause, so you’re encouraged to share your faith others. But if you’re not connected to the Community of the Church- other believers who can encourage, pray for, and challenge you- this season is likely to crush you. If you want to move from surviving to thriving during this season and prepare yourself for whatever lies ahead, you need to start or join a Q Group (Quarantine Group).


If you want to move from surviving to thriving during this season and prepare yourself for whatever lies ahead, you need to start a Q Group (Quarantine Group)How? 

  • Pick the top 3-10 people you’d choose to be in quarantine with and Start a Q Group with them! You can’t choose your family, but you can choose your Q Group!
  • Meet once a week online or physically (if permitted and comfortable). If you start a group, we’ll send you a free digital kit to lead out effectively
  • When you meet: “Get above your thoughts” by focusing on Jesus and encouraging others
    • Share highs and lows of the week (bear one another’s burdens) and pray
    • Go through Isaiah study questions (September-November)

If you don’t yet have those people in your life, consider starting a Q group, and we’ll help place the right people in your group!

Start or Join a Q Group

For more practical information and step by step instructions about leading a group online, click below!