Many people gave generously at a time our church needed it most. To commemorate their incredible generosity, we installed glass blocks in our Worship Center lobby with special messages of hope from our donors. This wall has served as a beautiful reminder of what we’re able to do together in some of the hardest times. 

Since breaking ground on the “pop-out” of our Worship Center in 2020, this cross wall was carefully relocated to our Londen Institute building. We invited our church to an event on March 26th to unveil the new location of these blocks, and to honor those who donated by giving them a tour of our Boldly Go environments led by Mel McGowan, Co-Founder and Chief Creative Officer of PlainJoe Studios and the master planner behind our beautiful campus.

If you have a glass block on our wall and were unable to attend this event, we’d love to show you its new location in our Londen Institute! You can email to set up a time to view the new location of your block.  


The Worship Center “Pop-Out”
This building will provide a beautiful, convenient and proximate space right in our Worship Center building for infants and toddlers, nursing moms, and families!

Monument Signs on Ontario Avenue
Look for our two monument signs that will capture traffic on both sides of our campus as you and guests travel down Ontario Avenue!


The Backyard
This fun and captivating environment behind our Plex will soon become home to our JHM ministry and a midweek space to gather for worship, teaching, and LIFE Groups.

All of these projects are fully funded and are anticipated to be complete in the Spring of 2021.

What's Next?

Boldly Go is our ongoing vision to Reach and Keep the next generation.  Thanks to COVID, we’re touching more lives than we dreamed we would by leveraging technology!  We are also completing our first new youth building late this Spring–our “Backyard” indoor and outdoor spaces behind the “Plex” created primarily with our Jr. High ministry in mind.  It will also facilitate our High School ministries and Crossroads Christian High School and will be in use virtually every day of the week! We declared that if our church was generous and gave enough to complete our projects, we would!  Our church was generous and several of our dreams will be realized soon, including the Backyard, but we did not receive enough for other projects.  One crucial project that still needs to be funded is the refurbishing of the bathrooms inside the Plex so they conveniently and safely serve The Backyard, too.  This project will cost an additional $80,000.Please prayerfully consider investing in this remodel so that we can serve our new spaces more conveniently and more safely, and keep your eye out for our announcement this spring that The Backyard is open for ministry!