What to Expect

Wednesday web event

6:30pm- 7:45pm

Main Service in the Worship Center

Kids Ministry (Birth-5th) Check-In behind the Worship Center

JHM (6th-8th) in the Plex


JHM Weekends

JHM meets on Wednesdays from 6:00pm-7:45pm with worship, a message, and LIFE Groups!


HSM Wednesdays

We’re constantly driven by a passion to reach 13,500 young people in our area. Studies show that the best time for high schoolers to engage in church is on Sunday nights. HSM meets on Sundays from 5:30pm-7:30pm with worship and a message!


Disabilities Ministry

Sat Serv

Our Disabilities Ministry will support young people with special needs during our Kids and JHM ministries on Wednesday nights, along with providing support for high-school-age students and adults if requested. We will provide support within our HSM Ministry on Sundays, as well as a unique worship service for adolescents and adults on Sunday evenings!

Disabilities meets on Sundays from 5pm-8pm with worship, activities, a message, and dancing!